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Global Business 101

The old adage is “it’s an incredibly small world.” It certainly is in relation to the ability to access information from all over the world and the ability to connect with business leaders and other important decision makers from every corner of the globe. This is never more evident than in global business, a term that includes any business or organization which conducts business outside of its home country.

Businesses of all sizes need to be prepared to meet the demands of global trade. This includes understanding the nuances, politics and implications of international business, as well as being able to work with partners and colleagues from countries that are different from their own.

The undergraduate Journal of Global Business and Trade (JGBT) includes research papers reports, articles, and commentary that are relevant to the world of global business. It is also the official journal of CUIBE which is the Consortium for Undergraduate International Business Education.

If you’re a business owner considering going global or want to ensure that your team is prepared to go global, it is important to know the ways that cultural differences can affect your business’s performance abroad. It is important to learn the customs, holidays, and social norms that are prevalent in the cultures you may encounter when doing global business. It’s an excellent way to boost your “export IQ.” It could also be helpful to know what to expect from business acquaintances in other countries, including different levels of comfort with personal space or how to greet someone in a foreign language.

Rendeléseket hétfő-szombat 10-22, vasárnap 11-22 között veszünk fel. Az alábbi városrészekre nem tudunk kiszállítást vállalni: Szőreg, Újszentiván, Kiskundorozsma, Gyálarét, Szentmihály, Tompasziget, Szőregi út 80-tól, Budapesti út 10-től.